Do you see trends in singers' songs/music albums?
Taylor Swift's Love Story to We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together;
Carly Rae Jepsen's Call Me Maybe to Tonight I'm Getting Over You;
Kelly Clarkson's Breakaway to What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger)...
The different stages in life, in relationship.
I always like The Script.
Not just the positive messages in the songs, sometimes the nostalgic lyrics, the combinations of the musical instruments they used in composing and putting together a song.
At the age of 23
we are neither young nor old.
We're not old but we have our past stories, histories.
It built us, it haunted us or it's still haunting us sometimes.
It's part of us.
At least it's part of me.
We're not young but we've gone through few stages in life.
There are things we hold on to,
there are things we have to let go.
Young people
tends to hold on too tight.
I started to look pass things.
Not to say I can move on very fast, it's still something very difficult for me.
Especially when I'm alone most of the time.
In this era, we get to hold on to the social media while trying to look pass the fact that we're somehow lonely.
Time wasted in procrastination.
I've tried turning off the data plan and wifi of my phone for one night.
I've survived.
Moving on
This is March. *Deep breath* |
逸轩总算长大了但也还没长大,哈哈哈 快点变成大帅哥好吗? |
虽然很烦,不过有个弟弟应该也不错诶? 我其实蛮喜欢照顾人的。 |
冰箱里的食材有限,所以通常临时临急的就是炒饭果腹。 |
这周最大的任务就是完成OPD的Case Portfolio, 好让自己之后可以专心于至今毫无头绪的IPD Portfolio。 |
昨晚感谢dinner mate陪我吃晚餐。 是个很念旧的人,无论如何,发生过什么事, 只要对方还愿意继续做朋友, 我一个朋友也不愿意错过 =) |
有点想念芙蓉的屋主了, 那天她亲自下厨,心暖暖的一餐 |