I know I don't have the money to pay for coming semester yet, not really any time soon. But I am a little glad that I haven't officially called off the Master course.
How am I going to fill the void between work, family and friends? At this point, the answer is exercise. More exercise and discipline.
Fine. I'll make the calls or drop by IMU to officially drop myself off the course.
It definitely sounds like excuses. Or it's my lack of passion in the science field. So far, academic achievement also means more debt.
2019 resolution? To clear my academic debt, PTPTN and the bits I owe my brother to pay for last semester.
SCKLM 2019 falls on end of September. I've got nine full months to train for half marathon again.
This is my record for SCKLM 2018:
This is my record for SCKLM 2018:
My result sucks, I know. But it's not the same running half marathon unprepared as a 24 year-old (I did slightly less than three hours) versus a 28 year-old.
And I just realize how cool SCKLM is, my personal photos are easily available without having to scroll through many event photos!
I was clearly dying... 😆
I'll be back!