Lab accident

That day, in the lab, there's this Indian guy, who Janet thinks is a lab technician, got into drama.

First, one of my colleague accidentally dropped the whole tube of E.coli on the bench desk. This guy, let's say Mr.X came and try to clean up the mess with alcohol. Apparently the Bunsen burner is too near that the whole spot sprayed with alcohol burns. Everyone got shocked! Out of the blue, Mr.X went and cover that spot with his hands!!!  
I was right behind, the opposite bench, was shocked too.
Mr.X's hands got into fire and was burning. Logic too, he'd got burning alcohol on his hands obviously. Then everyone got more panic. Then he took the practical manual which happened to be at the side and covered it on top of the remaining fire.

Wait, it's not the end.

Later, while some were still in shock after the previous incident, we were shocked by a "bang". Mr.X collapsed and hit his head on the corner of the bench. People sent out to ask for help, some remained stunted. Later, when he regained his consciousness, Mr.X said that he fainted because he hadn't have lunch.

I don't recall any teachers or lecturers teach me to cover the fire using my hands, I'm really speechless about how this lab. tech. reacted to the fire. The bench top itself is not really flammable, it will soon be gone when the alcohol is all burnt! 
Then Janet acted and said phases like those we found on practical manual or in th lab, "When fire happens, use your hand to cover the fire..." The whole car is then filled with laughter. 
appreciate life,

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