Christmas Eve '10

TA DAA!!!!
Looking great?? :3

The menu of the Christmas Eve dinner of 2010:
prepared by ME :3
Baked cauliflower
Main course
Crab stick wrapped by chicken strips, dressed with mushroom sauce
Bowtie pasta with red sauce
Baked wedges
Strawberry cheese tarts
Apple cheese tarts
Marshmallow chocolate tarts
Lemon Jelly
English Trifle

provided by BRO ;))
Red wine

Main course :)

From top: Apple (coated with sugar and Cinnamon powder) cheese tarts;
Marshmallow chocolate tarts;
Strawberry cheese tarts
*These I added almond nips in the tart crusts, more crispier
Bro said it was crispy too :D

My Trifle tasted good, unfortunately it looks very bad after certain period of time ><
My first Trifle, English Trifle. Still got some left in the fridge, yumyum :3
One of them was eaten by aunt's family as they happened to drop by my house to fetch mom, what a coincidence :)
The lemon jelly on the other hand, nice lemon aroma, sour and sweet, should have been ate as starter, very appetizing! Too bad I didn't take any photo of that, it's pretty~~

I think the crab stick wrapped with chicken was nice, should make that again sometime ^^
However, the wedges was too dry, should have coated the wedges with some oil.
The Bow-tie pasta was al-dente, hehe ^^

Me and bro, we enjoyed the food and the wine, then chit chat, then watched TV.
One nice night, with friend, with joy :D
Thanks bro for accompanying me this Christmas eve, my Christmas eves had been miserable, alone... But tonight, it was totally enjoyable.
Feels good to prepare food too, I love culinary arts :3
Wow, really, I'd been preparing those desserts and food since noon time!

Ohohoh!! It's 12am already!!!

appreciate life,

3 post-it notes:

7号街隐士 said...

哇!好丰富的圣诞 Eve晚餐

Merry Xmas*

Cadie Bluesky said...


bless :)

Janet Yong said...

Cady! It looks AMAZING!!! XD
Like totally great Christmas dinner! Love the tarts. They're so cute and pretty! The marshmallow chocolate tarts are quite unique, haven't eaten them before. Hopefully next semester when we are required to cook again, we'd be able to taste each other's cooking :D

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