More on February '11

I forgot what date was it already!!
We had our very first class reunion dinner :D
It was in Jade Pot. 
MunTeng, SumSum and LeeCheng

Lou Sang!

And this is interesting!
There were four types of sauces and I tried them all! :D 

On our way back to Bukit Jalil, I forgot how many people were in my car, the only thing I know is that I drove extremely careful not to risk all my batchmates in my car. The car was so heavy that I think I over burden my little Myvi xD

This semester is really a packed semester.
We have two modules that have a lot of practical session.
This was the Determination of Fat, Soxhlet method.

Our setting :D

The fat extracted from 2g of dried soya bean >__<

We were so excited cause this practical was so tidious as compared to other nutrient analysis.

appreciate life,

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