A Field Visit

to one of the Sodexo outlets in Pantai Bangsar, KL.
The day I fell and hurt myself; one day before I was hospitalized.
I drove our group, SanSan, LeeCheng, WenNi and Jones.
Arrived at Pantai Hospital in Bangsar, KL at about 12.30pm, not so sure with the time.
Found a car park very soon luckily.
Met Ms.Ng at lobby then.

My lunch that day, worth RM9.85, inclusive government tax. 
The food was ok, I always think outside food is too salty for me,
maybe other customers may think it is just nice.

We enjoyed our lunch, hanging out in the cafetaria.

Some even went and bought ice cream from the Baskin Robin there,
Free one scoop with any pink things with you.
What's worth mentioning is there is also a Starbucks outlet there.

We went on with the kitchen tour after meeting Ms.Suma there.
Short briefing in the office then started off with the receiving area.

I've taken lots of photos of the documents pasting on the wall, but not much of people.

This is the poultry and meat washing area.
I forgot if it's blue for fish and red for meat.
Yes, they have to separate the usage of their knives.
Organization chart
It was a very overwhelming trip.
We were there until 6pm, then caught in the jam.

I was very tired and
I sincerely feel sorry for risking my friends' lives when I was trying to cut through the queue.
Thankfully we ok...
Swear to myself, no more carelessness! 

appreciate life,

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