Back then in the year 2009...
Taurus for the tough girl,
No gain for the weak!
No pain no gain...
Go Taurus!! Mighty and Tough!!!
Glory glory mighty Taurus, No you can't bring us down!!!

I still remember that the last part was pretty messy,
cause it was only settled last minute.
It was crucial if we were familiarized with the music.

Though, I'll forever remember... no, people forever remember that
first year Taurus cheerleaders played with flag!!!
And the marching in part...

6 minutes was really long!!!

2011, yesterday night...

This time, 2 minutes 30 seconds,
just enough to squeeze in and show people what we have!!!

We cheer and we lead,
we move in lightning speed.
Hate us cause we're beautiful
but we don't like you either.

We're cheerleaders,
We Are Cheerleaders,
Go Taurus!!

Say it with me!
T-A-U-R-U-S, Taurus fans say go!! (GO)
T-A-U-R-U-S, Taurus fans say fight!! (FIGHT)
T-A-U-R-U-S, Taurus fans say win!! (WIN)
Taurus fans say go fight win, GO FIGHT WIN!!!

So thankful to all those Taurus fans who helped us out in cheer, awesome people!!

I'm so suffering from "Cheer withdrawal" right now.
I tear when I finished the video.
Am so missing the moments right now.

This could be the best part of my life in IMU.
So lovin' you all, STUPID!!! xD

p/s: don't get us wrong, in Taurus Cheer Leading 2011, stupid means love.

You know what,
what I learn in cheerleading is that
Friendship Last Forever...


appreciate life,

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