Forward is where I wanna go

I have achieved my goal.
Though it doesn't feel right,
it's not enough.

This is the kind of day I'd forget to put down the hand break.

I read my results slip,
the next second I'm thinking to myself:
I NEED to work HARDER.

The CGPA was the same as last semester.
I'm still borderline second upper.

It's usually harder when the semester progress.
I must hold on to second upper,
I must hold on.

I was able to get all B and above grades in semester 4 
while I can't even manage a B- for Environmental Issues and Nutrition module?
What was I thinking when I wasn't studying before the exam?
What kind of attitude I had?
What kind of attitude I always have?

Food Service Management and MNT were tough.
With the presentation for FSM and the missed class test for MNT,
B- is fine.

I hasn't been working hard enough.
It's just never enough.
I had delusion of moving backward when I'm consciously aware that I'm stepping on the brake of the car.
I even double checked it!
I don't wanna move backward!!!

appreciate life,

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