Random Rant on Covid-19

It's day 30, or is it day 31 already?
Yes I am talking about MCO for Covid-19. Just saw the news about scientist latest findings on the coronavirus, which it has been categorized into 3 types, type A, B and C. Each type is prevalent in different area, eg. type A is most prevalent in USA and Australia. Type A is genetically closest to the coronavirus found on bats, which is interpreted as the first generation, then subsequently mutated into type B and C following the infected populations in different geographically area.

What does these all mean?
It's telling us, Wuhan Virus is probably a name for type B, not the first generation of coronavirus causing this pandemic. The origin of this catastrophic situation is most likely not China.


Hey, it really matters and doesn't at the same time. 
It matters, because we need to know the source, to specifically avoid anything like this to happen again.
It doesn't, because we are all in it together, we face and resolve the situations together. It has to be a global effort to eradicate this disease with the highest effectiveness and efficiency. 

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