参与过又退出的:Jia Yun, Wendy, Zac;
幸好能有他们来替补位置的:Loon Wei, Christine。
Along the road, some join us, some left us, and at the end, comes to this number, 20.
作为一个第一学期的新生,在不懂状况下,对自己的期待太高,给自己的目标舍得好理想。到最后才发现自己根本无法平衡活动与课业的时间,前两个星期以内,测验、练习全碰在一起,压力真的很大,以致甚至埋怨练习时间太长,又觉得没有练习出什么成果而觉得浪费时间。心里有这样的感觉,真的觉得很惭愧………… 大家都那么用心,付出那么多,我却……只是个泪/累囊。只会哭,成了个累赘……
As a first sem student, I think I haven't notice that things will finally bomb into each other. And I set a goal that is not easy to reach. I failed to balance my time on study and practice. As a result, I got lots of pressure when I need to deal with class tests and practices. Later, in my heart, I start to blame and complain that time for practice is too long and sometimes it is wasted when it is not productive... I feel so ashamed.... I'm a burden who only know how to cry a LOT....
比赛前一天在测验之后,我发现带来的啦啦队制服别人拿走了。真的慌了。我该怎么办?过后我试着冷静下来,自己找篇所有地方,也去了lost&found,真的束手无策了,我告诉大队,我也知道是自己惹了麻烦了,不过在这个时刻,感受到负责人的‘不愉快’,倍感压力呀……商讨解决方案的时候又被质疑是不是自己弄不见的的时候,我真的很难过…… 东西被人家拿走了也不是我想的,也不是我的错啊,为什么要质疑我?……
One day right before the competition, I lost my outfit... I'm panicked and later I cooled down and do everything that I can do, I went to lost&found too. Finally, I told everyone in the team. I felt depressed when I was doubt if I'm losing the outfit out of my mistake as it is really because someone had accidentally mistaken my stuff.
One day right before the competition, I lost my outfit... I'm panicked and later I cooled down and do everything that I can do, I went to lost&found too. Finally, I told everyone in the team. I felt depressed when I was doubt if I'm losing the outfit out of my mistake as it is really because someone had accidentally mistaken my stuff.
因为这样,那天晚上的练习我整个人都快崩溃了…… Venus也在了,可是那种情况下,我真的需要自己一个人冷静下来。对不起我拒绝所有人的慰问,我实在,必须自己一个人冷静,更多的安慰,我会哭得更猛。
I really need to be left alone so that I can cool myself down. I refused to listen to anyone because more comfort words will only make me cry like hell.
"Mentally broke down is really not what we want at this moment."
我知道,很对不起,我实在控制不了…… 尤其一开始还以为你们忍心让我再自己掏腰包买多一件制服,说到钱我就更惨了,我真的花不起了,真的破产了。过后又知道你们打算全部人一起帮我付,那又是感动的泪水…… 啊!!!真想把我的泪腺剪掉!!!
I'm so sorry... How I wish I don't cry so much and thanks for helping me with the cost of new outfit.
I have not guts to apologize to everyone before the competition but I'm really sorry for causing so much trouble..
Thanks for being so nice and supportive... =)

左行由上至下:Yun Shuann, Wei Wen, Tracy, Loon Wei, Chiu Hong
右行由上至下:Kelly, Fion, Jason, Ivana, Beh
没在照片里的有:Venus, Kin Man, Kwang How, Alex, Wai Peng, Pei Zhi, Jones, Christine, Grace
谢谢Tracy,谢谢你帮我买yoko yoko……
谢谢Jason, Ivana,你们总是散播快乐因子,给我最灿烂的笑容……
谢谢Wai Peng, 总是那么关心我……
谢谢你们陪我一起mamak,谢谢你们跟我一起在IMU外的草地上syok sendiri到半夜,……
Again... I'm sorry..
I'm gonna miss those days,
those moments we spent TOGETHER...
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