Atarashi language

Hajimemashite! Watashi wa Mareshia no Cady desu.
Watashi wa IMU no gakuse desu.
Watashi wa hatachi desu.

Finally I'm really learning a new language. 
By saying finally, I mean really serious. 
Basically, what I write about is 
"How do you do? I'm Cady from Malaysia.
I'm student from IMU.
I'm 20 years old.
Do you understand?"

I missed the first class actually, starting off with the second.
But I think I'm doing well.
I'm just so glad!!!
I've been wanted to learn this language for a long while, ever since in high school.
Some more, the tuition fee is cheap, as if not taking.
RM5 per month, what is more, we are getting handouts, 
thus, RM5 is basically for photo state fee.
Thanks to Nihon No Sekai !!!

appreciate life,

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