It's all presentations and assignments

Well I'm afraid, I won't be able to lose weight this week. Not until I finish all my assignments and presentations.

Supposedly I should have finished two presentations today, however there's a postpone on the Basic Communication oral presentation, the one I care the most as it carries 20% of my overall result for the module Basic Communication. Have to practise some more later and estimate the time used up. Hopefully we won't exceed that 10 minutes that killed the other 12 groups cause time estimation is counted in the marking sheet.
The other presentation which is the financial accounting seminar went well. We were the second last group, it was short, yet just enough and just nice.

Other than presentations, I finished the IT practical project yesterday night and modified both IT practical report and Biochemistry assignment 2 just now, they are ready to go. On the other hand, I'm still struggling with the IT assignment. 10 pages, 7 done. The consequent of typing all day will be ignorant of the grammar usage.
A guy studying IT marking my science article? He won't be serious, will he? Moreover, each of us have to write 10 pages, total of us will be 850 pages! I got his point, instead of writing about hacking or other things about IT, choosing our own topic related to the course seems more beneficial. Well, I learn something while doing the assignment as well.

Oh, about the food culture day, we, as N&D students, are not allowed to use the ND lab. Not enough staff to look after us while we are using it? Crap.
Please hire more staffs before you try to earn more $ ! Opening up hell lots of new courses yet not enough staffs to look after all grown-up using a lab. I can see the renovation for chinese medicine lab. What if there's no one to look after that lab? Renovated for what???


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