This is what Janet said, "We have to eat the food only then we know how to cook it!"
The next thing I know... is that, we are going to buy some of the food directly from the store! XD
For people who don't know what I'm talking about...
Basically, we are preparing the Food Culture Day, which is the one and the biggest event of Sem2 ND. Students are grouped, and given a theme, such as Chinese, Malay, Indian, Greece, Italian, so on and so forth. Apparently, mine is Thailand.
The Ayuthaya set meal I was having ^.<
So, we went to Sutra which is located in the Curve as Janet recommended for some Thai food experiencing!!
While we're about to leave, Siow Jie said that she wanted to go to wash room.
This is what we're doing at the entrance of wash room... :P
There's actually one more photo of Siow Jie, Si Wen and Fei Shae in front of this from my phone but it's too blur, so I don't put it on.
Here you go, nice meal with Siow Jie, Janet, Si Wen and Fei Shae.
Thanks Janet for driving us.
Janet, no rain this time, so other times are just coincidence ok? ^_<
appreciate life,
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