Again, 24 hours is never enough.
I start thinking if I'm capable of join cheer leading again.. :(
Life's been back to it's track since the success of the Dandelion concert.
Foot still hurt whenever I use it too much, but I can tell it's getting better.
I slept well yesterday night finally after long period of sickness which makes me insomniac.
I can finally sing along with the radio in the long drive. I enjoy doing that, so much~
I'm giving away things that I love/like.
It's not that I'm not interested in them anymore, I just don't have the time to do everything. Giving them away to people who want them makes me happy, gives me positive feeling. Too bad I have only one guitar, while brother wants it after I promise to lend other person.. @_@ haven't deal with this.. sigh...
About photography, I really wish I can have more time to study it. I'm so not satisfied with the photos I previously took. I should have taken better photos, in terms of quality.
Unlike last two semesters, my schedule is so packed that I never have time for leisure activity.
I need time for pps... XP
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