Alex!! Now only I remember that I was tagged to do this...
Well, seven random facts about me are here..
1. I watch all types of movie.
so feel free to ask me out for any movie, hehe...
Though I do have specific favorite type of movie.
2. I'm avoidance kind of person.
I kinda scare of strangers. I'm kinda coward during interaction with people. I don't talk much to people I don't know well. I don't do well when it comes to relationship. Learning in baby steps I can say...
3. I'm an ordinary university student who used to love exams back in high school but hate them now.
University's exams are much crazily stressful... >"<
4. I cry when I'm tired.
But don't worry, I will only cry to myself and it won't last long, I'm working on it.
5. It's very hard for me to go near guy I'm interested in.
That was last time experience. Most probably because I'm avoidance kind of person I think. I know, I'm a weirdo. Working on it too.. or not? :P Will try to approach everyone cause I wanna befriend everyone!
6. (phew... finally second last) I care a lot about my pimple-face cause it hurts not because it makes me look uglier.
Painful face is annoying. I find it hard to concentrate when my pimples hurt.
7. (never thought thinking of my own random facts is so hard~ @@) I like ice lemon tea ^^
medium sweetness, plus lemon fragrance~ just nice.