Knowledge & The Fairy Tale

I bought a this textbook this afternoon, since Kar Wei returned our money to us already.
She returned RM101 for two books, I spent RM189 on one book
Doesn't make any sense huh?

However, I think this worth the money. 
Now that I'm watching the "House" series, I gain interest in diseases, good for me.
Besides, it includes the infectious diseases, which will look into microbiology, lectures are covered in the book. Mr.Henry was definitely right about this is the best book for pathology.

I must'd been fighting myself during REM sleep. 
Yesterday I woke up with my left shoulder feeling pain, this morning the right shoulder pain too plus left radiale there joint pain. No idea what's wrong.

appreciate life,

3 post-it notes:

Huey Shin said...

ya,this is the best book for Patho..
it includes everything,(sometimes too details for med students too). We call it "Papa" Patho (the biggest, there are Mama & Baby too, LOL)

Huey Shin said...


Cadie Bluesky said...

lol! Papa Patho, haha!!
Nice, I'm interested in Patho ^^

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