Talk on academic performances

Among 84 students in ND109, 47 of us were asked to attend a talk on academic performances today. Never thought of it would be a fruitful talk. 

Even though I already identified the problem ever since the semester starts and start working on it, this session reassured me that I'm going on the right path. 
On top of that, I really felt beneficial from the study tips thingy, especially on the essay exam part. 
I really didn't know the essay question should be answered like a real essay :P
How retarded I am, lol 
Most importantly, I was not sure of the things I wrote. Now I'm reassured that when the question ask for "discuss", I should really gives opinions and argue on the case! 
Again, how retarded I am, XD

Should always glance through again before exam periods.
And be confident to my thought cause it is now proven correct v^o^v

Well, here's my grades so far:
Semester 1 GPA: 2.65
Semester 2 GPA: 3.52
Semester 3 GPA: 2.68
..................CGPA: 2.94
Sucks, right? xP
I'm not even 2nd upper yet!!!
What a shame!

To get to CGPA> 3.0, I need to get at least GPA 3.20 this semester.
Well, I sure hope I can do better then this.
It's week 3 already and I'm doing fine.
How about a goal of GPA 3.50 ? :D



appreciate life and wanna work REALLY hard!

4 post-it notes:

Debbie said...

jiayou sy! you can do it! :DDD if only you're still staying in vista. then we can study tgt :(

Cadie Bluesky said...

We can still study together!! If you're ok, I'm thinking I should stay back for half an hour to one hour in library to revise before heading back home everyday.
what do you think? :D

Molly said...

you can do it:)
continue to be inspired.

Cadie Bluesky said...

We can do it, I mean push our CGPA UP!!!
Thank you~ :)

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