Semester 4

Quoted from Kenneth Loh, my classmate: I AM YOU, I AM BACK! Part IV

Baked puff pastry
with mushroom sauce, crabsticks, and cheddar cheese on top

Loaf bread baked with
red sauce, onion rings, sausages and cheddar cheese

Those were the food that accompany me through the first few hours of 1.1.11
I spent more than 10 hours working on 1.1.11, double pay wo, worth it lah :)

Recently, my another classmate, Jen, starts her 365 plan.
I'm so dumb that now only I realize I forgot to start over my 365 plan which was disturbed by the new opening of my brother's vegetarian restaurant which turned me into zombies.
Forget it.
I'll keep on photo shooting even though I don't do 365 plan.

So, Semester 4... Modules including:
1. Community Nutrition
2. Food Service Management
3. Sports and Exercise Science
4. Nutritional Immunology
5. Clinical Biochemistry
6. Basic Epidemiology
7. Basic Pharmacology
8. Analysis of Nutrients in Foods
9. Novelty Nutrition / Understanding the patients 
Which is.... A total of NINE modules!!!
This is still a 14 weeks semester, just all slots are filled, the "PS" (private study) slots are as little as they can be counted using one hand.
There are three lectures on the first day, one of them is the Basic Epidemiology, so geram that I still can't get the notes by now. New year, but the IMU is still the same old IMU. I'll see who is this Premalatha lecturer who is responsible for tomorrow's lecture. She/He has certainly give me a very bad impression before we ever met. 

Bring it on, I'm all set!

appreciate life,

2 post-it notes:

Unknown said...

I want ask, you guys have 9 subjects in a semester? Seriously?

Cadie Bluesky said... kidding ><

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