Catchin' those fireworks

This is my second fireworks photograph experience, personally think I got some improvement, love those fireworks.

Well, while the Chinese New Year celebration is still on going, our class tests, practicals and practical reports marathon has already started.

As mentioned in previous few posts, the practical reports of the two first practical are done. Then I just finished doing the second report for Analysis of Nutrients. God. Nvm, I'll get used to writing reports very soon.
Then we went to ISN (Institut Sukan Negara) this Wednesday, gonna prepare another field visit report which would be very long as we were given a tour of the whole institute! Due: 23 February. 
Community Nutrition first proposal, due: 22 February. Objective's decided, few more other things to discuss for Dr.Megan already commented on our decision, gotta re-discuss them.
Food Service Management Assignment, due: 28 February. I don't know what's going on but I'm sure it would be fine :)
In between, is a lot of class tests and class tests and class tests...

Task list of February:
1. Field Visit report
2. Community Nutrition 1st proposal
3. FSM assignment on Menu
4. Sports&Exercise Science class test 1 (14/2)
5. Immunology class test (18/2)
6. Novelty Nutrition class test (21/2)
7. Basic Pharmacology class test (21/2)

Life is tough
but I'll live it with my contented heart
with faith on myself, 
with hope towards the future.

appreciate life,

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