Don't let the time slip away!

The Malacca trip was sort of cancelled.
Now I know why they never wanna book the hotel in advance, huge disappointment. -">__<"-
Anyway, Grace Mumu replied in my facebook post saying she wanna bring me to Malacca!!!
Hooray!!! Love Grace <3
Thought not really confirm with her yet, (I shall call her up tomorrow) my last three days of semester break, I'll be in Malacca and Muar v^o^v Whee~~~

Last few days weren't really all bad.
Went to One Utama last Thursday, since I don't have to work in the morning.
With Eric and Neko.
Had lunch in Friday ^___^

Had lemonade, very nice :3

The lunch sets are back!!!
We ordered 2 and shared.

The appetizers, half way eating xD

I'm not really a rice person, unless it's bah kut teh :P

Eric ordered his mom a cute jelly cake from the Q Jelly cake store.
Well that was the purpose of us driving all the way to One Utama.

Other days, I made a few of this:

Baked fish cocktails with a simple butter head lettuce salad.

Homemade, freshly squeezed orange juice! :D

Also, spent quite some hard earned money on this:

Three different types of Chinese medicine prescribed for a month.

That's about it!
Semester 5 is coming up real soon!!!
Bless me!

appreciate life,

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