Wave goodbye

to my moody hormones.
stupid moody hormones.

I was finally able to smile without forcing myself to last night, after the movie.
Being fully conscious about being emo for no reason is pathetic.


Pandan Chicken served by one of my family's favorite restaurant.
My appetite was so turned on the I totally forgot to take photos of the spicy fish served! 

Lecture by Dr.Hariyati, inspiring, motivating lecture,
it's a shame that I was too tired to be able to fully concentrate.

I cooked this, looking ok?
Bought Wantan noodles, some butterhead lettuce for salad, some frozen dolly fish.
Other than using too many types of seasonings, I think it's quite ok :P

Despite being not able to sleep well due to PMS,
I shall say I sort of enjoy being able to feel happy again, 
though I had to wake up at 7am to get ready for school while I was awake since 3am in the morning;
though it was still raining so heavily that I got myself all wet, etc etc 

Had a rather fruitful Nutrition Counselling tutorial just now with my colleagues.
Taken by Shryn. 

Got lecture to attend tomorrow, for Enterprise Management.
Should off to bed.
I'm a happy girl :)

appreciate life,

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