Why am I so broke

Here goes...
(this is only one of the many reasons :-P)

Cocoa Cappuccino 

First Cocoa Cappuccino and I fall in love with it..
Thus, more to come... 
Can't recall if this was a blunch or a lunch. 
Sunday breakfast, still struggling with assignments and reports. 
With cream this time.

Cookie Crumble Frappuccino

Then the new product comes in...
Had it in 50% discount during Happy Hour for Starbucks card holder.
Didn't reach my expectation though.
Not really fond of the banana muffin as well.

So you reload the Starbucks card and you use it like a debit card...
It was because the internet connection at home was cut off when I needed it the most;
It was because the electricity at home was cut off so I went out from home in the hot weather.

But no more frequent visit to Starbucks!
Self control matters!

appreciate life,

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