Can't wait though reluctant

to end my Semester 7.
Can't believe it's our final year already.
Sincerely can't wait to leave school and throw myself to the real world.
CangCang! My new sunglasses bought in Alamanda!
Just like previous placement, there've been ups and downs in Putrajaya.
Other than being used to this nomadic life,
I've learnt to enjoy life alone more, as well as getting along with Malay,
which I was less exposed to before Semester 7.

Nevertheless, my Malay speaking is still very bad. 

Parents have been gone for trip. 
Even though I'm on a tight budget,
I save money from eating only in the Besta kitchen for some entertainment during free time. 
Starting to like GSC's caramel popcorn,
more affordable and suitable for me too,
small popcorn RM4.30,
the portion is just nice. 
Went window shopping too.
I've been looking for this kind of dress,
haven't found one that really suit me though. 
Thought of having a all-vegetable meal,
failed cause the Ayam Bakar Tipu-tipu Sos Cili is just too nice!
We went to Alamanda for the second time last week.
Went to TGI Friday again, redeemed our free Sizzling Cheese Chicken from giving feedback online. 
Really like this salad, the chicken is nice and tender,
the salad is fresh with nice sweet and sour dressing 
These potato skin didn't impress me much. 
This is the free dish, like the mashed potato and cheesy sauce a lot!

We've done the production and menu planning assignment,
there are three more major assignments for the last three weeks.
Together we make wonder,
jiayou to us!

appreciate life,

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