Stacey_Cady@Botanic part2

'd been talking to Alvin and Eleong about photography just now during dandelion practice.
So... These pictures are kinda ....
I'd been taking pictures with high ISO, as a result of ignorance of ISO setting.... X_X
I have to admit that I don't understand ISO. XP 
Do need some guidance here.... XXP

Dear 450D, I'll master you someday soon!! YO!!~~
appreciate life,

2 post-it notes:

Tay Y Z said...

funny thing about high ISO.... I usually leave it at ISO 400 to 800 even outdoors because I don't really favor blur shots and I like slight overexposed images.... It does takes a little experience to get your "camera workflow" right... ^_^ Enjoy your experience in photography !!!

Cadie Bluesky said...

Thanks, Yao Zong!! ^^

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