Spirit Up!!

Quick feeling sorry for yourself, Cade!!

Yes, I missed some really important practices.
Yes, I gave troubles to people. I know it makes it hard to arrange the position.
Yes, I can't do much with my foot hurt.
Yes, I have to bare with the pain and the inconvenience.


This is NOT the end of the world!
At least... it's not that you'll have to wait 5 to 6 weeks for your bone to heal! That's a really good news already!
I'm not 100% sure, at least it doesn't seem so.

Dor treated me a movie today. Gonna make her some chocolate muffin tomorrow, hehe~
Moms bought me a lot of eggs, milk. Cause only after I started I told her I earned some money. Thanks mom. Though you were not there with me when I was really upset yesterday night, I know that you wanna to. Yes, I know, so I don't blame you anymore. 
Yesterday night sucks. 

Here, some photos taken with my SLR.

appreciate life,

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