Dear all,

life's been kinda meaningless to me.
I missed out a lot of things, for instance, important Dandelion practices, skating trip, photo shooting plan, blablabla...

Hopefully I'll be able to catch up faster.
My foot, it's getting better. Though I can still feel little pain on the muscle I hurt, I can't take any risk, so I still keep myself "grounded". What's more, brother go into accident. Luckily he's not hurt, but he can only get back his car in 2 weeks time. At the moment, I have to share car with him. It's not only mentally "grounded" then, plus physically grounded. 

Life doesn't go on as you wish all the time.
It's been against me. A quarter of sem. break wasted in boring tv program and emo thinking. Of course, plus some reading. Well, the break started well, I'm gonna make sure it ends well. 

Dear all, I'll be back SOON!
appreciate life,

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