Home photos from a beginner

Life hasn't been kind to me I can say. 
My foot is still in mild pain, that's bad enough as the concert is around the corner and I haven't been going to practice for two weeks. Bruises keep expanding like I treat my foot badly while I barely walk out the house. 

Today is the dragon boat festival. That means I have to stay home as well, to help out mom in the kitchen. 

Here are some photos I took when I first got my SLR :)

I gotta earn money fast... cause from what I read from the internet, direct light exposure from the flash light DO make the photo worse as I realize, I don't like to use that flash. 
Lot more to learn, lens... flash... ^^
appreciate life,

2 post-it notes:

Anonymous said...

I too never liked direct flash.

=P Love ambient light (natural lights) and bounce lights (reflectors and external flash units)

Cadie Bluesky said...

Thanks for the visit Tay! :D
I wanna learn from you! ^^

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